Tomatoes from the University of Florida Klee Labs

If you are at this web page it is likely because you scanned the QR Code on a plant that I grew. The tomato plant in your possession was grown from a seed developed by the Klee Lab at the University of Florida. Harry J. Klee is developing hybrid tomatoes using heritage tomato stock, with the goal of delivering outstanding flavor and enhanced disease resistance.

I have grown tomatoes from the Klee Lab for the last two years and can tell you they are outstanding plants for taste, production and disease resistance. They are well worth your effort.

I read about the Klee Lab in a newspaper article published in the middle of the pandemic. It seemed like a decent project as I was able to order all supplies online, and continue to avoid human contact.

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Starting Materials
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Seeds waiting to sprout
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Planted Seeds on Warming Pad
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Seed package from University of Florida Klee Lab
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A little documentation
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Some sprouts a week after planting
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Garden Gem Tomato Plant Grown in 2022.

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Garden Gem Harvest

I sent off for seeds again this year and received the 3 types which are described by the Klee Labs below. This was the first year the R Hybrid was made available to me. We will have to see how they produce. The R Hybrid sprouts developed quickly and appear to be very strong plants before transplanting.

R Hybrid

“This one is a cross between a small wild tomato and our modern large, high yielding parent. The hybrid produces massive numbers of small (about one inch on average) cherry-type tomatoes that are perfect for salads or just popping in your mouth. We didn’t plan to release a cherry tomato, but this one is so prolific and the flavor so amazingly consistent, that we want you to try it. We often gauge success by which varieties our students want to pick to take home, and this one is their absolute favorite.” – Klee Lab Description

I am expecting the BW Hybrid to be an improved version of the Garden Treasure. I started them in February because they have an estimated 100 days to produce fruit. Because of the early start, the plants are a bit leggy. I put them in larger containers early to help with this. They are ready to be planted. Bury the stem deep for additional rooting.

Improved BW Hybrid

“This plant is indeterminate, producing a large amount of red eight ounce fruit over 5-6 weeks. It’s a late bearer with first fruits ripening 90-100 days after transplanting. Plants are resistant to gray leaf spot and Fusarium wilt Races 1 and 2, and Phythophora Race 2 &3. This fruit also has exceptional flavor, ranking similarly to Garden Gem in taste panels.” – Klee Lab Description

Improved Garden Gem

“This cultivar produces massive numbers of delicious oval fruits that average 50 grams (2-2.5 ounces). Taste panels rated it statistically identical to its heirloom parent with twice the yield. It is an early producer, giving ripe fruits about 60-65 days after transplanting. Its size makes it perfect for salads or just popping in your mouth. And it really shines in marinara. The personal chef for the University of Florida, Dean Cacciatore, produced a sauce that blew away high-end $9 a jar commercial sauces in a consumer preference panel. This is truly a versatile tomato. Over the last five years it has consistently been the most popular of our three releases.” – Klee Lab Description

The Garden Gems are smaller plants, but will take off when planted outside. The fruit is very meaty, typical of all of these plants. They produce in ~60 days. They produced all season for me, until the first Indiana frosts.

The seeds were sprouted in the containers shown below. I used a plant heating mat to assist with the germination. All of the plants were mostly hardened indoors with a oscillating fan, due to the chilly spring we have had. They have been hardened outdoors a couple of days over the last 2 weeks, which was the best I could do.

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Ready to sprout
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Early Plant Picture
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Young plants

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Plants in window, with grow light
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Plants under grow light
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Garden Treasure and Ruby Tomatoes 2022
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Garden Treasure tomatoes on the vine

Good luck with growing these plants. I hope you have as much success and enjoyment as I have had with them.

Should you want more plants, Walmart carries the Proven Winner brand of Garden Gem and Garden Treasure tomato plants.