What happens when…



What happens when a young acolyte to a Bene Gesserit sisterhood defies her superior’s orders and gives her husband /duke a male heir, tossing an ordered breeding program into chaos?

What happens when that heir is trained and tested in the ways of the sisterhood, and is given combat training by loyal family military advisor Gurney Halleck and a swordmaster who is the first of a long line of Duncan Idaho ghola/clones?

What happens when an Emperor of a feudal system of government pits two families against each other and favors one in a ploy to maintain galactic power?

What happens when the production of spice, which gives Guild Navigators the ability to see the future (prescience) in order to guide spacecraft safely through folded space to facilitate galactic travel, is put in jeopardy?

What happens when computers are forbidden due to restrictions from the Butlerian Jihad and sapho drinking mentats perform massive mental calculations in their specially conditioned brains?

What happens when Face Dancer Tlexieu masters from Ix conduct hideous biological experiments to genetically manipulate species for their sinister secret sponsors’ requirements? 

What happens when a planet, due to its immense dryness, produces giant sandworms which are the sole source of spice essential for galactic transportation, becomes the center of a galactic civil war?

What happens when the emperor of the galaxy betrays a house – and that family goes native on an arid foreign planet populated by primitive and savage fighters waiting for a promised one who will lead them?

What happens when Paul Atreides, son of Duke Leto and Bene Gesserit Lady Jessica, gifted with selective breeding, forged by the pressures of feudal rivalry, dropped into a brutal planet’s arid ecosystem, exposed to spice which exponentially expands his consciousness, is accepted by freman natives who look to him as a god to lead them against off-world oppressors?

What happens when that god shows up?

DUNE is what happens.

Pull up a chairdog and enjoy…

And if you need help with Dune terminology, which you may as Frank Herbert created a language to describe the Dune Universe, the following link will help:


Note: The glossary covers content from the six Dune Books written by Frank Herbert. The two most recent Dune movies cover only the first book.

This video has everything you wanted to know about Sandworms, aka Shai-Hulud, The Maker:

The Fremen of Dune | Dune Lore Explained: https://youtu.be/Dhq27oqF-q0


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